Pinkrock by Oct9

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    Tuesday, December 14, 2010

    My fav Boy

    Been a long time since I last meet up with Azah, my fav boy.
    I really thank god for sending him and he is really such a precious gem.

    Time really files, it had been almost 1 year and 7 months since he left for Denmark.
    Finally got to see him and had a great time hanging out for our usual fav food.....
    nothing fancy but just a cosy cafe.

    We both have so much to tell each other .....
    Especially me, having bottom up so many things inside me, killing me softly....
    things that I can share with no one except for him, as he is the one only who really know and empathize with how I feel.
    Ya, that's him, he really know me best!

    Poured all my hearts out to him, all my agonies, all my unhappiness, my inferior, my fears, my everything!!!!!!!!!

    He never failed me....
    listening and given me all the attentions and comforts that I needed desperately.....
    Talking to him always make me see a lots of things better.

    Haiz, good thing always end fast, and soon it's time to say goodbye again.
    He is going back to Denmark tomorrow and then will be in US for another 7 months before I can see him again back in Singapore!

    I'm missing him already....My best pal..........

    "Be Strong, firm and Steady.
    Restraint from doing things that gonna hurt you more.
    Enjoy your moment ,you deserve only the best.
    know that I'm always there for you girl!
    Take care!!"

    Monday, December 13, 2010


    Decided to hold a spree for these chio sandals!!! Hurry send in your orders now:)

    ~~~~~SPREE CLOSED~~~~

    Tuesday, December 7, 2010

    Limited Stocks Only

    A very limited stocks to clear, See if you like it...:)

    Drop me an email if you do ..:) /

    All prices stated inclusive of Normal Local Postage, for registered postage, simply top up additional of $2.25 ( Highly Recommended, as I'll not be responsible for any lost mail).

    Note: (Nude) Size 8 - SOLD OUT-
    (Nude ) Size 7 - SOLD OUT-
    (Black) Size 8 - SOLD OUT-
    (Black Size 7 - SOLD OUT-

    Discounted Price Now!!!! - $15.00 w/mailed
    since I have only last 2 pairs to clear...:)

    Pink Stripe Tote - SOLD OUT

    Thursday, November 25, 2010

    Bangkok Trip


    I'm suppose to be alone on my this sourcing trip, but Jo came about at the very last minute decision, so yap..that's how my 2nd Bangkok Trip with Jo take off....
    The last time I went with Jo was a year ago..... kind of like a dejavu, except that this time round we eat, shop, pamper ourselves more, and of course not forgetting that I have work to do too:)

    We arrive BKK at about 8ish BKK time, but was held up the the immigration for the longest time, so the time we checked in our hotel is like 11ish..:(
    Oh well well , as for hotel, we stay in this particular one name P2 Boutique, not only that it's cheap ( About $65 per night), it's easily assessable (10 mins walk to platinum, 20 mins to world trade), with clean and simple decor, helpful staffs.
    Best of all.........
    This is the only Hotel so far that I can sleep even I'm alone with ALL LIGHTS OFF.....ya, it feel so "Clean"!!!

    Our Room, A Deluxe Twin Bed Room

    Small and Decent Bathroom

    No time wasted...hee, was super hungry!!!!
    1st stop, we chiong for the food.
    We headed down to the Platinum Food court...................
    And I shall let the pictures do the talking...........................:)

    all ready to shop, eat, and relax!!!!!

    Platinum Food Court @ Level 6

    Best Stewed Duck Noodle

    Kueh Chap with Roasted Meat!! ~~~Yummy~~~

    Traditional Thai Finger food
    (Sorry can't remember the name..

    Our Favorite store!!!!!!

    Shark Fins, That Jo cannot resist, she wants it everyday!!!!
    Ya Everyday!!!

    My Favorite Fish Maw Soup...... Slurps!!!!

    Woman's Best Dessert!!! - Bird Nest!!!

    We even pack extra to have it back at the Hotel!!!

    Best Prata in BKK, very different from those that we have in Singapore,
    and it's from a street hawker, so it's really depend on your luck to see it..:)

    Another must have Beauty drink , when you are in BKK...:)
    1,000mg Collagen Drink!!!

    Having Bird Nest for Breakfast!!! Such a Luxury....
    omg, my eyebags are really bad, skin super dry too...tsk tsk tsk..:(

    You can really see and taste the Bird Nest lor, not those that you feel like you are drinking water only

    My Kawaii Nails......

    Trying out my new lenses.........
    Ya, acting cute a bit here.......LOL

    Chatucak Food Area

    Fresh Coconut Ice Cream that comes with a free fresh juice!!!! Never miss these when you are at Chatucak!!!
    Very refreshing under a scotching sun!!

    Sumptuous Buffet Tim Sum At Arnoma Hotel,
    Look at how much food we both ordered!!!!!!
    Total Madness..
    really 2 fatty bom bom!!!!

    A Tuk Tuk ride to Suan Luan Night Market...
    Sadly, nothing much there, as the whole Night Bazaar is closing, and will shifted to somewhere. Where????? I Don't Know:(

    And It's Shopping Time!!! ~~~~ Platinum Mall~~~~

    Some of my Random Buys!!!!

    Jo's random buys!!!!

    Of course these are not all that we did, anyhow, another very fruitful trip I would say, as I not only manage do what I need for works, I did enjoy, shop, live, eat and PRAY!!!
    Yes I really did, 2 times some more to the famous Four Face Buddha!!!

    And now what's next????
    I'm ready for my next trip to Hongkong and Shanghai, but this time I'll be traveling no choice...:)

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Random pics

    So boring sitting in front of the computer doing my research.... while waiting for the files to be transferred, I uploaded these....

    Random pictures taken at the Mum's backyard , sitting on my favorite swing while waiting for her to get ready...:)

    I miss being mummy's princess, miss sleeping in my old bedroom, and the space that I once call my own ...:)
    Don't you????
    Of course, not saying that I regret getting married ok...

    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    October 2010

    October has been a awesome month for me, not only that it's my birthday month, many many good things happened too....
    ( except of one)

    Firstly, needless to say, my birthday...
    Got a bouquet of flowers from dear,
    A limited edition Care Bear from one of my good friend,
    A mini surprise birthday celebration with a bunch of my clicks!!!!
    ooh ooh, they surprise me with a super duper Durian cake!!! yum yum....
    Last but not least, a Chanel Necklace by "B"..
    Very sweet of him who have been remembering this day for years...:)

    Apart for my birthday treats, I managed to confirm 2 design contracts and that means more $$$$ coming in..

    November and December are going to be a freaking busy months for me, as my new assignments require me to travel ....
    I'm Excited as well as sian....a kind of mix feeling as I'll be travelling alone....

    Everything had been sweet , but just a day before my birthday, My little min pin passed away.....T.T

    My heart still ache till today...she has been with us for 15 years!!!!
    I just cannot accept the fact that she is going to die when the vet told me so.....
    I can't stop crying and holding her in my arms till she takes her last breath.............
    It's just too much for me to handle..:(

    Even our little QQ, I guess she feels the lost too, as nowadays she no longer want to stay alone, she wanted company so badly that she follows whoever is at home, no matter where we go around the house!!!

    Nevertheless, Still October was a fabulous month and hope the good "CHI" are here to stay!!!

    I'm looking forward to all my trips in the coming November and December, I want shopping , shopping ,shopping !!!
    ooh ooh ooh ...
    I really cannot wait to spend time with my family on our family trip usually at least once a year in December!!!
    Of course not forgetting, it's school holidays!!!!

    Sunday, October 24, 2010


    Copy cat, copy cat, steal the rats..........................................
    I was pretty pissed off this afternoon with "copy cats", I was so du lan till I have to spam twitter with all my angst rants!!
    And Yes!! I just want the particular person to read and buzz off my back..>:(
    I'm sure I'm not the only one reacted this way when people want to be a copies of yourself right???
    Will you mind having one or many twin sisters??
    Even better, Your friend is the one copying you!
    I really don't understand Why ?? why can't they just don't copy, even if they really have no choice, please la ,don't do it so obviously can???
    I'm not saying that I'm very gorgeous or stylish and up-handed to be paranoid with all these rubbish,
    I just really don't feel good and uneasy when I know that the particular person is always on a lookout on my dress sense, hairstyle or's really a turn off!
    How do you feel when they not only copy your hairstyle, hair color, dressing.... they go to the extend of trying to be you.....
    omg!!! I really cannot take it man....And why it always have to be my friend who are doing this to me??? I really hate it, at times I really feel like guy friends are the best as they don't go around doing something behind you...hiaz...-.-
    Keep me thinking , is it just me??? Is it myself being over reacted?, if not , I wonder why and how can this be happening to me all the time????
    Ahhh....Don't care la...
    Anyhow, whatsoever la, as my buddy says "Take it as a compliments lor"
    Guess I just have to accept it that way to make myself feels better .
    tsk tsk tsk....sad....

    Wednesday, October 20, 2010


    Plans , plans , plans....................
    Soon it's gonna be December Holidays!!! Yeah......Happy cus that's the time we usually travel and enjoy..~~Whee~~~

    This year, family trip will be either Japan , Korea or Taiwan. I prefer Japan, Korea not too bad, can go ski again...:) It has been a long long long since I last ski.

    Other random plans, I want to go back pack trips, yes back pack to feel free and easy.... but where to go??? with who???? No ideas ^.^

    I want to go to places that I have not been, and not Asia definately. If I were to go alone, then I'll settle for Denmark or US, depends on where my fav boy Azah will be.:) Just the thought of it, already get me all excited!!!!

    Ai many places I want to go la......Wish I had all the time and $$$ in the whole world to do so............

    Toto , 4D, show some love...wahahahahah!!!!!

    Tuesday, October 19, 2010

    CamQueen of the Year 2010

    The very first and only such contest that I have taken part in ( Thanks to Elaine, my bff). As expected, my votes wasn't fantastic at all, so please VOTE..wahahahaha!!!

    Anyway, I'm not here pulling for worries...;)

    Although I'm not really bothered by my votes, but i still do constantly check on the webbie, cus now this is one of the website that I find it very entertaining, especially when I'm bored and needed to get my eyes off from work....

    I can't help laughing my head off at some entries , seriously some of their pictures submitted was like ???
    Their before and after pictures no diff at all, and some even worse, the before picture looks better than the after!!! And some funny ones, submit blur pictures, show only half face or worse show only body...wahahahahaha !!!
    Really make me wonder what are they thinking ........But of course there are really chio girls out there who really make me go "WOW".....:)

    Well, I feel that some or many people are really making this contest kinda of like "Junk" now, with all kinds of weird and rather funny entries!!
    It kinda of unfair to people who really take this contest seriously, wanna to win badly, putting in efforts to participate.....

    Anyhow, Still I wish all the contestants all the best , and looking forward to see who is the Winner!!!

    Monday, October 18, 2010

    Sleepy Monday

    1st day of the week, and I'm already starting to wonder how am I going to pull through the rest of the day...-.-
    I didn't even manage to catch a wink, as I slept like 4am this morning,
    whole night toss and turn in bed...

    It's gonna be a busy week for me, as usual what else but helping my hubby on his project, and worst the date line is this Thursday. I need send the proposal out by then , and guess what???
    Yeah, I have not even started!!!! I need to start working on it .

    Images , ideas, color scheme, material selections....the list goes on and on and on.............

    Sunday, October 17, 2010


    Sitting in front of my computer, staring blankly at the screen for the longest time, and yet still nothing comes out of me, yes Nothing.......:(

    I'm so sorry to all the sweetie pies out there who have been asking me when am i going to re start my this pathetic blog....hiaz...
    seriously I'm really clueless at this point.

    I know I did said before" no matter what, even if there is only one customer, yes one customer who support me, I'll work hard on this selling blog"...
    but I guess I'd disappoint all my supporters to even the last one....

    I'm very touched by a few of them( you know who your are)
    who still very much believe and support me..:)

    Oh well, I will very much want to revive this blog, but before that, I'm still looking for something more unusual , unlike what other blogshops are selling.
    I wanted to travel, but timing is also a concern...Trust me,
    I'll be back:)

    I'm planning to start travelling in November, hopefully by then I'll be able to bring in more nicer and chic stuffs for you gals...

    Last but not least, Thanks for remembering me and checking out on my small little space here.

    <3 much...;)

    P.S. If you gals have been following my tweets, I'm sure that by now you are aware that I've taken part in the CamQueen of the Year contest ( Thanks to Elaine). Please show some love, CLICK and vote for me...Pretty!!!!

    Thursday, July 8, 2010


    Continue Happy Shopping with me gals..........................:)

    Saturday, June 12, 2010

    ~~~~Collection 23~~~~

    Black & White

    Another collection by Oct9, exclusively imported !!!!

    Happy clicking........

    Email: /

    P.S. All prices are inclusive of Normal Local Postage,
    For registered Postage, simply add on $2.24 ( Highly Recommended as we are not responsible for any lost mail).

    Slouchy Shirt Dress ( Belt no included) - $26.00w/mailed
    Measurement: Approx 25" Across, 35" Down, Fits UK 6 - UK 12 Best.
    Color: Black , Navy, Nude
    Status: Navy - Sold Out
    Black - Last Piece, Nude - Last Piece

    Black & White Stripe Mesh Frills Dress - $26.00 w/mailed
    Measurement: Approx 16" Across, 33" Down, Fits UK 6 - UK 10 Best.
    Status: Available

    Black & White Stripe Maxi Dress - $28.00 w/mailed
    Measurement: Approx 16" Across, 49" Down, Fits UK 6 - UK 10 Best.
    Status: Sold Out

    Ruffles Maxi Dress - $28.00 w/mailed
    Measurement: Approx 16" Across, 51" Down, Fits UK 6 - UK 10 Best.
    Color: Blue
    Status: Sold Out

    Black & White Zig Zag Bandage Skirt - $ 22.00 w/mailed
    Measurement: Approx 13" Waist, 15.5" Hip, 14.5" Down, Fits UK 6 - UK 10 Best.
    Status: Last Piece

    Pearl Mesh Overlay - $22.00 w/mailed
    Measurement: 18.5" Across, 22" Dow, Fits UK 6 - UK 10 Best.
    Status: Available

    Pink Patent Tote Bag - $31.50 w/mailed
    Measurement: 20" (W), 12" (H), 6" (D), Fits A4 Size.
    Color: Pink
    Status: Last Piece

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